【息子との新生活実現】近況報告 ④

12月13日(木曜日)朝9時30分、予定通り第一回目のミーティングが開かれました。先述のメンバーに加え、グループホームをアレンジするコミュニティーサービスのマネージャーDave Philips氏も参加して下さいました。

今までは、政府と「対決」という姿勢をとってきましたが、今回は、あの坂本龍馬の名言「もう日本人同士で喧嘩しゆう場合じゃないかぜよ。みんなぁで力を合わせて、異国に立ち向かわんといかんがじゃき。」 に従って、喧嘩ではなく、こちら側も妥協の姿勢を見せ、フォーカスするべきことに集中する作戦を取りました。喧嘩は別の喧嘩を生みだすだけで、通るものも通らなくなってしまいますよね。


その姿勢の精か、政府側はかなり理解を示してくれ、具体的な進展がありました。早速、Mary Dowdall(政府バンクーバー地域障害児部門の代表)が下記のメンバーに詳細を連絡し、手続きを開始してくれました。

*Nina Magee (Quality Service Manager from CLBC)
*Sharon Armstrong (Vancouver Residential Resource Manager)
*Dr. Paul Malette

 (Director of CBI Consultants---doctor who got my son assessed in Japan)






Our meeting was held on Thursday, December 13th as originally planned. Besides all the members mentioned last time, Dave Philips, Community Service Manager who plays a role in helping to arrange placement such as foster care was present.


Up to now, I have always had ‘fighting attitude’ towards the government but this time, based on the well-known quote from the Japanese Samurai Ryoma Sakamoto, “It is NOT the time that we Japanese battle each other but that we stand up against foreign countries joining our hands together.”, I have decided to approach them with a new strategy, showing compromises and concentrating on what I should be focusing on. Conflict creates another conflict. Things supposed to be going well would not go well after all.


However… it does NOT mean that I am going to let everything go and give silent approval to what my social worker has done to me. Compared to not solving my issue by endless fights, it would be much wiser to just put all of my energy to achieve my purpose for now. Tentatively, after building a collaborative relationship with the manager, I am going to report what has actually happened to her when the right timing comes.


My strategy of being modest was successful. The government showed understanding at some extend, and specific progress was made. Immediately after the meeting, Mary Dowdall (Manager in the Vancouver area for 'Children and Youth with Special Needs'(CYSN) shared the details with the following members and got a start for official enrollment.

*Nina Magee (Quality Service Manager from CLBC)
*Sharon Armstrong (Vancouver Residential Resource Manager)
*Dr. Paul Malette
 (Director of CBI Consultants---doctor who got my son assessed in Japan)


All of them are top managers each relative divisions. Usually, they would not be gathered for an individual case. As was expected, voices from everybody has incredible power to move even the authority of the government! Thanks to you all.


Our next meeting is scheduled on January 31st 2013.
I will keep you updated for sure.